The Journey to Empowered

What does the word “Empowered” mean? Just asking this question gives me goosebumps. To me, those goosebumps represent the life force energy flowing through me, the fire within, and a deep connection to the Universe. It's my internal guidance system and my power within. The word “Empowered” now holds a new meaning for me—it means “I’m powered.” But this isn't the artificial boost you get from caffeine; it’s the genuine, limitless power that runs through my veins, a profound connection to something far greater than myself.
Yet, I often meet women—whether in my daily life or through coaching—who are exhausted, overworked, burned out, and completely disconnected from their inner power. What happened? Where did the disconnect occur? Why do so many women push themselves to become "unstoppable" while feeling broken, hurt, and deeply disconnected from the energy that sustains them?
I know this story all too well because six years ago, I was that woman—broken, lost, and in pain. On the outside, I had everything I thought I wanted: a luxury beachfront home, financial stability, a marriage, and a successful business. Yet inside, I felt empty and lost. I was in a dark place, despite all the external markers of success.
My healing journey began when I found the courage to confront the darkest parts of myself. I had to ask, “How can I access that ‘I’m powered’ state?” The turning point came when I was traveling with my mom and found myself in a sacred place, in a beautiful church in Jerusalem, sitting alone in the dark corner. As I stared into the candle-lit space, feeling utterly disconnected and disempowered, after a while two simple words came to me: "Self-love." Those words changed my life. They were the beginning of a journey toward rediscovering my inner power, the “I’m powered” version of myself.
I realized that for years, I hadn’t given myself the love, compassion, and care that my soul desperately needed. Without that foundation of self-love, how could I expect to thrive or share my energy with the world? Learning to love myself was the first step toward becoming an unstoppable woman. Each morning, I no longer asked, “What do I need to accomplish today?” Instead, I asked, “What does my soul and body need right now?” And I gave myself exactly that.
Sometimes it was a walk on the beach, other times it was watching the sunset, soaking in a salt bath, or enjoying a cup of deeply infused herbal tea. I took myself on movie dates, allowing myself to feel and release emotion, and I made time to sit in silence, connecting deeply to what my soul truly craved. Two of my favorite self-care treatments were taking myself to a nice restaurant and shopping for luxurious lingerie in New York City. Why? Because I was worthy. I had learned to love myself, and by doing so, I invited the world to love me too. Self-love became the gateway to reclaiming my power.
The journey to becoming an unstoppable woman starts with a simple practice: take 3-5 slow, deep breaths. Connect to your body. Feel the life force energy moving within you. Then, ask yourself, “What does my body and soul need right now?” This practice, done daily, allows you to make decisions from a place of inner wisdom, powered by the limitless source of energy that flows through all of us.
The key to living a fulfilled, empowered life lies in reconnecting with this energy. When we align with our true selves and care for our needs from a place of love, we access the infinite potential within. This is how we become truly unstoppable—by stepping into our power, guided by the wisdom of our souls.